Ethically Sourced Hair Extensions
A woman donating her hair at our factory in Vietnam
What are ethically sourced extensions?
Ethically sourced products can be defined as goods that are produced and purchased in a manner that demonstrates respect for the people who produce them as well as for the environment.
As the demand and prices for hair extensions continue to rise and gain more popularity across the world, it is often the donors who are losing out to big corporations.
As uncle Ben once said ‘ with great power comes great responsibility’, with so many options available, it is important to be conscious of the environmental and social impacts of what you choose to buy. At Larin Hair, we believe it is important to support brands that value people in each step of the supply chain and to be mindful of the impact your money is making. Human hair extensions were once exclusively for the upper class and famous, they have now become an accessory for the modern day woman.
In a booming global market, the big business of hair extensions has created an underbelly of a gross and exploitative black market. Lack of proper regulation means it is impossible to know whether hair has been donated or stolen. Doing business in a sustainable and fair way is consistent with our quality and values, which is why every strand of Larin Hair extensions have been donated willingly with the full consent of the donor and donors are given a fair and reasonable price for their hair.
How is Larin Different?
Each bundle comes from a single donor.
Did you know that many hair extension companies will market their hair as Remy and virgin, when in reality it is far from the truth? Many vendors in China and India often collect fallen hair (hair collected from hair combs or brushes or the floor) from salons and temples sometimes without consent. This hair is then sent to factories to have be bathed and soaked in acid to remove the cuticle and then bound together with silicone and marketed as Remy hair. Hair cuticles keep hair healthy and shiny, this process of removing the cuticle creates unhealthy, lifeless and tangled hair that is prone to shedding and terrible split ends. Dishonest manufacturers are aware of this and therefore use silicone to disguise poor quality hair. Silicone helps make the hair appear healthy when in reality it is quite the opposite.
Every strand of hair is guaranteed to come from a Vietnamese donor. Each bundle, a single donor. Our donors come directly to the factory to willingly have their luscious ponytail cut off for a fair wage. Due to this, the cuticle in our hair is intact and perfectly flawless.
Our donors willingly donate their hair
Not to be dramatic, but the hair extension industry is full of lies and deceit. Not only is hair mistreated, but people are too. Kidnapping women and children for their hair and stealing hair off of dead bodies is not an uncommon practice in some places.
Vietnam is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Our donors willingly sell their hair in order to feed their families and supplement their income. Although, this may be controversial to some, it is important to know that our donors make this decision and they are not forced in any way. Our donors are paid a fair wage.
One of the biggest problems in the hair extension industry is dishonesty and lack of transparency. It seems that all hair extensions are Remy these days, even the £5 per packet ones. The industry is still under regulated, apart from tariffs and general business policies, there are virtually no laws that protect extension buyers and wearers.
Our hair is 100% Vietnamese
Admired for its strength, quality and thickness, Vietnamese hair is one of the lesser known origins for extensions, however, it is arguable the best in the market and is far superior to rival countries such as Brazil, India, and China, countries with the highest extension sales. Many companies will market their hair as being from various countries with multiple star grades in order to gain higher profit margins, when in reality it is actually typically Indian or Chinese. Companies may market their hair as European or Russian or the Eurasian mink (what??), when in reality this can mean the hair was mostly likely sourced from China and packaged in Europe. We guarantee that our hair is Vietnamese hair.
How can you tell?
Each strand of Vietnamese hair is thick and there are no scraggly or thin ends. We ensure that every single strand it pulled and the cuticles are aligned to give a uniform thick finish that does not tangle or shed. We also prepare the hair without the use of silicon and acids so when straightening the hair after washing, the strands will appear glossy even without the application of products and it only gets better with time.
A quick test to determine whether the cuticles of your extensions are intact is to run your fingers up and down the hair shaft. The hair strand will feel smooth going downwards but there should some resistance as you move your fingers in the opposite direction. This resistance signifies the cuticle is present and has not been stripped.
Fair treatment across the supply chain
Our factory employees are treated and paid well, this is reflected in the price of our extensions. Many factories in China and India pay their workers poorly, don’t provide breaks and make their employees work over 10 hours at a time. Our factories employees do not work long hours, on holidays, receive breaks and are paid a fair wage.
We hope this makes you feel differently about hair extensions and when purchasing you may remember when Mongolian 10A grade hair that it is actually a facade.
Not all hair extensions are created equally and just like your food, clothes, beauty products etc, it is important to know how your purchases impact the supply chain and the society. You are a consumer and you control the hair industry. Every time you choose to support ethically sourced hair extensions you take a stand against the ill treatment of factory staff and the exploitation of woman and children who are exploited for their hair.